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July 2017: The Waiting Is Over

With Retha’s Place completed and the Spivey House in the final phase we the Board of Directors are preparing to open for ministry. It has been 3 years of renovations, prayer and organizational arranging. We feel that we are now ready to employ the staff needed to put Bethesda for Single Mothers into action. God has provided not just financial resources but an unbelievable amount of donated supplies and an amazing number of individuals and church groups as well as other groups to labor for the Master’s purpose. Now it is finally coming together. An Open House is being planned for the near future. You will be invited to come by and see what God has done. We encourage you to join in praying for God to bless and provide for the many needs in getting this ministry operational. We have come a long way but there is still so much to do. Pray with us for the workers God chooses to place here. Pray for the needed volunteers and support personnel to help in transforming the lives of these mothers and their children. Pray with us for the financial and material needs that will now become a monthly necessity. Pray for me as I bear much more weight as the Executive Director. There is much excitement but even more so a great weight of responsibility. This is God’s work and we must serve our LORD God and never ourselves. Thanks for your participation.

Earl J. Spivey Jr., GCCM President


A Change Of Plans

As we looked more closely at using houseparents we found that the labor laws state that if a person is required to be in their position, even if sleeping, that person is to be paid for their time. And any other time spent fulfilling responsibilities is considered work time as well. Simply put, the houseparent would have to be paid for their time each night and any time involved in the ministry past 40 hours would be time and a half pay. To put them on salary to avoid time and a half pay would require us to salary them at over $48,000.00. But all is not lost. We will still be able to let someone live in Retha’s Place with the girls but without houseparent responsibilities. The houseparent’s role will instead be filled by a day employee and or volunteers. The method may change but not the work.


Much Is Still Needed

If you have expressed to me your desire to help please remind me of your interest. I am ready to organize those volunteering to help. Here are some of the ways to volunteers. Parenting couples will take the mother and child for outings into their homes so as to model home life for them. Encouragement companions will befriend one of the mothers and walk with them through their long journey. Housemother assistants will help guide the girls in cooking, cleaning and learning the responsibilities homemaking. Educational helpers will help them with their studies and coach them in academics. Childcare helpers are needed to show God’s love to the children while their mothers are busy with school work or other responsibilities. Spiritual mentors will nurture a solid and real devotion to Christ in their daily lives. Transportation escorts to get the mothers to doctor appointments or to the church of their choice. Getaway friends to provide a get away from the house for some enjoyable outing with a friendly person. And many other opportunities will arise as we put this ministry into action. So let me know of your interest.


Employees and Residents

As we ready to open our doors we will need 1 staff and 1 employee to get started. The Ministry Coordinator will be the person to oversee the complete work of guiding the mothers toward independence. Good organizational and administrative skills are required. The housemother will be responsible to teach and guide the girls in homemaking activities and assigning daily responsibilities. A warm, firm and loving spirit is needed. Call me and I will meet with you and share the work and requirements in more detail.

We are now taking applications for residents. With the labor law restrictions we can now increase our residents from 4 to 6. If anyone is interested an application can be completed to start the process. The application is available in our office or on our website, With homes in the community being made available to us we can reach more girls while building more housing.


Financial Matters

Thank you churches and individuals who contribute regularly. This gives human comfort for the routine expenses. Yet from the start we have trusted God to hear and answer our prayers so He can reveal that our God is a providing and compassionate God. We still have $25,000+ for start-up and upcoming expenses. Thanks for your inspired support. But, praise to God for His faithful care.


Prayer Priorities

  • Ministry Coordinator

  • Housemother

  • Future residents

  • God’s continued blessing and His being honored

  • Needed organizational development


Work Groups

Want to help? Contact Earl J. Spivey Jr. at 843-877-5722. We look forward to helping you take part in Bethesda for Single Mothers. We now shift from renovations to maintaining the grounds and building and soon building more homes.

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