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Mission Statement:

To be God’s instrument making healthy families of young mothers in crisis and their child





What Choices?


It wasn’t planned. The expectancy wasn’t expected. But now a young girl finds herself in a swirl of emotions and grasping for answers. She may be in high school, college, just starting a job or living unemployed. She may not have family or financial help to lean upon. In shock, confusion and panic she turns to a crisis pregnancy clinic for help. Abortion, adoption or motherhood? What are her real options? Abortion is the easy way out. Adoption requires carrying the baby until birth.


Motherhood sentences the young mother to minimal living and dependence upon government help with little hope of ever doing better. Dreams of a career, education, home, not to think of the cost the child will have to pay drives the young expectant girl toward abortion or adoption. What choices does she have? What choices will others give her? Christ is the Healer of brokenness. He is also the Offerer of hope in our dark and fearful situations. And He sends us to offer hope to those in despair.


A Divine Alternative!


Bethesda Home for Single Mothers is a ministry offering a real alternative in Jesus name. We believe that many of the abortions and infants given up to adoption are not what young mothers want. They feel helpless and scared. Bethesda Home for Single Mothers exists to offer these girls real, divine hope. As the divinely placed spark of motherhood glows in her heart, we seek to fan it into flame and provide it with real help in burning brightly for Christ. By providing a place to live, help in mothering skills, assistance to finish her education and career training, as well as childcare and many other needed helps, a scared young girl can make a better choice.


Bethesda Home for Single Mothers is committed to turning scared expectant mothers into godly confident mothers and giving their children a godly home and the opportunity to fulfill their God-given potential. We believe it is time to represent Christ with a positive response to the cry of the aborted. It is time to stop the pain of mothers who wish they had raised the child they gave away.


From Hopelessness to Hope


Across our nation and within our communities are many single mothers on the verge or in the grips of homelessness. There are many who out of love for their children are fighting a losing battle with society. Unless they have family support or great friends it is impossible to work in the minimum job market and care for one or more children. Many single mothers make their homes in cars, homeless shelters and tent communities in wooded areas around us. Bethesda Home for Single Mothers believes Christ is calling us to reach out with hope and help. Like the young expectant mothers, with help a solid and godly home can be built. It will take a place providing financial relief, help with caring for their children, and assistance to further their education and job skills. It will take coaching in mothering skills and managing their household. It will take faith in Christ and the support of Christ’s church to give them hope, real hope. Bethesda Home for Single Mothers wants to offer real hope, not just a hand-out.


How it Works


Bethesda Home for Single Mothers is a community of houses hosting a housemother and several girls. Units for single mothers with several children will be available for more private dwelling. With the financial relief and resolved stress of a place to live the mothers can refocus their lives on working toward a better future. With Christ as their foundation and the Bible as their manual they will be able to start building godly homes and a stable environment for their children. With the others help they can begin breaking free from poverty and lead their children in living productive and God honoring lives within our society. Bethesda Home for Single Mothers provides the help needed to break the cycle of poverty and reawaken the dreams and God-given potential in those once lost in despair. It is where God’s Sonlight awakens the dormant plants so flowers can once more bloom to His glory.


We are 501(c)3 approved by the US Treasury Department, making us a tax exempt organization. Your contributions and support fo the Bethesda Home for Single Mothers is tax-deductible.


You Can Help


You can help turn fearful mothers into godly women who trust God to lead their family. Many volunteers are needed and this is a ministry of God’s passionate children. To learn more, give us a call at 843.756.2564.


This ministry is built upon the generosity of those led by Christ to give so others can be the hands that care for and guide others in the name of Jesus Christ. If you would like to donate, you can make a donation through PayPal on the bottom of this webpage. You can also mail a donation to PO Box 188, Loris, SC 29569.

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